Buddhism > Buddhist Prayers – Chanting
Daily Chanting
1. Contemplation On The Four Requisites
Ahte’shye swa/ bei: yogadhou/ kou hma maka’ hnin patipa’ yei:/ hmyohtau’ twei: ywe i:hsei i:hsoin:/ i:thingan hnin/ hywin lan: hpwe kaun:/ i:sankyaun:kou hmi aun: thoun: swe pathati://
I take this medicine, partake of this alms-food, wear these robes and live in this delightful monastery merely to protect the body from diseases, to carry out the study of the scriptures (pariyatti), to undertake the meditation practice(patipatti) and to have a long life.
2. Rediating Metta
( Recite each line twice and chant slowly and correctly)
(a) Yakhu yau’la douthunga hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pazei//
May all those who have assembled here be well and happy always.
(b) Hyinlumya: swa douthunga hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pazei//
May all of us, Sangha and laity, be well and happy always.
(c) Gountonanta mya’hsaya hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pazei//
May our teachers of infinite virtues be well and happy always.
(d) Mibahnahpya gounnanta hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pazei//
May our parents of infinite virtues be well and happy always.
(e) Tou kyaun:twin:hma mya:thatta hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all beings in our meditation centre be well and happy always.
(f) Tou myou:twin:hma mya:thatta hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all beings in our town be well and happy always.
(g) Tou nae twin:hma mya:thatta hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all beings in our region be well and happy always.
(h) Yahanthangha a:loun:hma hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all sangha be well and happy always.
(i) Pyissilei:hpya dayaka hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all providers of the four requisites be well and happy always.
(j) Min:so:yaza naetaka hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all governing authorities be well and happy always.
(k) hkou:thutai’ thu leinkau’thu tout u kousei’ hcjan:thazei//
May all thieves, robbers and liars be well and happy always.
(l) Tou sakya’wala:mya:thatta hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all beings in this world be well and happy always.
(m) Ananta sakya’wala:mya:thatta hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all beings in the infinite universe be well and happy always.
(n) Apelei:ywa mya:thatta hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all beings in the four lower worlds be well and happy always.
(o) Luna’ byama: a:lounhma hcjan:thakousei’ mye:pa zei//
May all humans, devas and brahmas be well and happy always.
(p) Thoun:hse taboun a:lounsoun: akoun hcjan:tha kyapazei//
May all beings on the thirty-one planes of existences be well and happy always.
3. Aspirations And Sharing Of Merit
Ithou pyuya/ mya’punyakyaun/ hcjan mya aye:kyi/ bei:mae mithi/ shweipyi tou’hcjau’/ lan:ma kau’pe/ yau’yapalou/ htou htou bawa/ kjinleyale:/ dukkha bei:dan/ yanman apaun/ makaun huthamya/ matwei yape/ thabba iccha/ mingalakou/ yweka tatain: yaseitho/
Yanei yakhu/ pyupyuthahmya/ mya’bagakou/ mibahsaya/ myou:thahahnin/ kouma saun kya’ kousaunaka/ ayin:saywe/ hyitha mya loun:soun bounthoun: hseti/ hpyi’ hpyi’ thahmya/ weneystou yakyapazei/ pei:hnga weithi:/ mya: htwei thadu hkosaithou//
(Recite three times) Ahmya… Ahmya… Ahmya… yudomukyapa koun lo/ Thadu… Thadu… Thadu…//
By virtue of my meritorious deeds may I realize Nibbana the eternal peace, by following the right path and not the wrong. If I have to undergo the cycle of life(samsara), may I not encounter dangers, sufferings, disaster, enemies or any evil. May I be blessed with that which I wish.
Whatever good deeds we have done today, may the merit be transferred to our parents, teachers, relatives, guardian nats, devas and all living beings on the thirty-one planes.
May all beings rejoice in this by saying sadhu, sadhu, sadhu.
4. Homage To The Triple Gem
a. Buddham puzemi – Buddham the’totinshya: thabbanyu: mya’swabaya: thahkinkou/ puzemi-puzopa i ashin phayab. Dhammam puzemi – Dhammam mya’swabaya: thakin/ hokya:tomu atthou taya:to mya’kou puzemi-puzopa i ashin phayac. Thangam puzemi – thangam mya’swabaya: thakin/ i tepitha: thangatomya’ a paun:kou/ puzemi-puzopa i ashin phaya
Translationa. I pay homage to the Omniscient Buddha.b. I pay homage to the Dhamma taught by the Buddha.c. I pay homage to the Sangha, the noble order of the disciples of the Buddha.
Key to intonation
low, level and long tone.high, long and falling towards the end.high, short and falling, ending with a constriction of the breath.high, extremely short, ending with a sharp check of the breath.
AwkarTha (Okāsa)(Burmese)
AwKarTha – AwkarTha – AwKarTha,
KarYaKan, WaZiKan MaNawKan DeeHuThaw,
ApyitKhatThein, PaPyaukNyeinWwe, AthatChaySwar,
AnarMiaYay, YanBayKin Gyaung,
KaungHmuMinGaLar, PhyitParSayGyin Akyo Hngar,
PhaYar YaDaNar, TaYar YaDaNar, ThanGar YaDaNar
DeeHuThaw, YaDaNar MyatThonePar,
SaYarThaMar DohKo, AyoAThey , LetAoke MoYwe, ShiKho PuZaw,
PhuHmyaw ManSyaw,GaDaw ParAee, AshinBaYar.
GaDawYaThaw, AiKaungHmuKan SayDaNarDoKyaug,
ApaiLayBar, KatThoneBar, YatPyat ShitBar, YanThuMyo NgarBar,
WiPattiTayar LayBar, ByaThaNaTaYar NgarBar ANarMyo KoeSai ChaukBar,
MakeSar DakeHti ChaukSai HnaBar DoHma, AkharKhatThein
KinLwat NyeinTheeThar PhyitYwe, MetTaYar, PhoTaYar,
NateBan TaYarDawMyatKo, LyinMyanSwar , YaParLoAee AShinPhaYar .
Okāsa Salutation
Venerable Sir, please give me permission (thrice). For the sake of absolving from all consequences of misconduct, by deed, word and thought from disease and disaster, for the sake of longevity, and favour of blessing, I humbly pay homage by bowing down with my hands above my head to the Triple Gems, namely the Buddha, the Dhamma and Sangha (together with my teachers).
(stop here if there is somebody to answer the wish. If not, continue with the following wish.)
By virtue of this wholesome volitional homage, may I forever be free from the four Apāya (states of loss), the three kappa, the eight wrongful locations, the five adversaries, the four deficiencies (vipatti), the five misfortunes (vyāsana), the ninety-six kinds of maladies, sixty-two kinds of wrong views (micchāditthi), and attain magga-phala-nibbāna without delay.
Ahamhh bhante tisaranhena saha pañca-sīlamh dhammamh yācāmi, anuggahamh katvā, sīlamh detha me bhante.
Dutiyampi ahamh bhante tisaranhena saha pañca-sīlamh dhammamh yācāmi, anuggahamh katvā, sīlamh detha me bhante.
Tatiyampi ahamh bhante tisaranhena saha pañca-sīlamh dhammamh yācāmi, anuggahamh katvā, sīlamh detha me bhante.
Venerable sir, I ask for the five precepts together with the three refuges. Out of compassion, please give me the precepts.
A second time … A third time venerable sir, I ask for the five precepts together with the three refuges. Out of compassion, please give me the precepts.
VANDANĀ – Homage to the Buddha (in Pāli)
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa.
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa.
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa.
Honour to the Blessed One, Exalted One, the Fully Enlightened One!
Honour to the Blessed One, Exalted One, the Fully Enlightened One!
Honour to the Blessed One, Exalted One, the Fully Enlightened One!
Buddhamh saranhamh gacchāmi.
Dhammamh saranhamh gacchāmi.
SanHghamh saranhamh gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Buddhamh saranhamh gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammamh saranhamh gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi SanHghamh saranhamh gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi Buddhamh saranhamh gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi Dhammamh saranhamh gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi SanHghamh saranhamh gacchāmi.
I go to the Buddha as my Refuge.
I go to the Dhamma as my Refuge.
I go to the SanHgha as my Refuge.
For the second time, I go to the Buddha as my Refuge.
For the second time, I go to the Dhamma as my Refuge.
For the second time, I go to the SanHgha as my Refuge.
For the third time, I go to the Buddha as my Refuge.
For the third time, I go to the Dhamma as my Refuge.
For the third time, I go to the SanHgha as my Refuge.
- Pānhātipātā veramanHi sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Adinnādānā veramanHi sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Kāmesu micchācārā veramanHi sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Musāvādā veramanHi sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Surā-meraya-majja-pamādaththhānā veramanHi sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
Sayadaw – Tisaranena saha pañca-sīlamh dhammamh sādhukamh surakkhitamh katvā appamādena sampādetha.
Layperson – Āma bhante.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from killing any living things.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from taking what is not given.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from misuse of the senses.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from wrong speech.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from taking drugs or drinks which cloud the mind.
Sayadaw – Observing carefully these five precepts together with the three refuges, strive earnestly.
Layperson – Yes Venerable sir.
The Eight Precepts are normally observed on Uposatha days, i.e., Buddhist festivals which fall on the full moon day of each month and are celebrated at vihāras (monasteries/temples) throughout the day.
Ahamh bhante tisaranena saha aththhanHga-sampannāgatamh uposatha-sīlamh dhammam yācāmi anukampamh katvā, sīlamh detha me bhante.
Dutiyampi ahamh bhante tisaranhena saha aththhanHga-sampannāgatamh uposatha-sīlamh dhammam yācāmi anukampamh katvā, sīlamh detha me bhante.
Tatiyampi ahamh bhante tisaranhena saha aththhanHga-sampannāgatamh uposatha-sīlamh dhammam yācāmi anukampamh katvā, sīlamh detha me bhante.
- Pānhātipātā veramanhī sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Adinnādānā veramanhī sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Abrahmacariyā veramanhī sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Musāvādā veramanhī sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Surā-meraya-majja-pamādatthānā veramanhī sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Vikālabhojanā veramanhī sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Nacca-gīta-vādita-visūka-dassana-mālā-gandha-vilepana dhāranha-manhdhana-vibhūsanhaththhānā veramanhī sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
- Uccāsayana mahāsayanā veramanhī sikkhāpadamh samādiyāmi.
Tīsaranhena saha aththhanHga-sampannāgatamh uposatha-sīlamh dhammamh sādhukamh surakkhitamh katvā appamādena sampādetha.
Āma bhante.
With your permission, venerable sir, I ask for the eightfold Sabbath-day precepts together with the three refuges. Out of compassion, please give me the precepts.
A second time … A third time venerable sir …
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from killing any living things.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from taking what is not given.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from misuse of the senses.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from wrong speech.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from taking drugs or drinks which cloud the mind.
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from taking food at an unseasonable time, i.e., after the midday meal (lunch).1
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from dancing, singing, music, and unseemly shows; from the use of garlands, perfumes, and unguents; and from things that tend to beautify and adorn (the person).
- I undertake the rule of training to refrain from (using) high and luxurious seats (and beds).
Observing carefully these eight Sabbath-day precepts together with the three refuges, strive earnestly.
Yes Venerable sir.
1 And before dawn of the next day.
Itipi so bhagavā arahamh, sammāsambuddho, vijjācaranhasampanno, sugato, lokavidū,
anuttaropurisadammasārathī, satthā-devamanussānamh, buddho, bhagavā.
Such, indeed, is that Blessed One; Worthy, Omniscient, Endowed with knowledge and virtue, Well-gone, Knower of worlds, an Incomparable Charioteer for the training of persons, Teacher of gods and men, Enlightened, and Blessed.
The Blessed One is accomplished because:-
The Buddha is worthy of special homage by all beings including human beings, deities and brahmas because he is possessed of outstanding qualities of morality, concentration and wisdom ( sīla, samādhi and paññā), deliverance and knowledge and vision about deliverance.
Sammāsambuddho (Fully Enlightened)
He is fully enlightened because he has discovered all things rightly by himself.
Vijjācaranhasampanno (Endowed with Clear Vision and Virtuous Conduct)
He is possessed of three kinds of clear vision, eight kinds of clear vision and fifteen kinds of virtuous conduct.
Sugato (Sublime)
(a) He enunciates rightly for the benefits of beings.
(b) His manner of going through the Noble Path is good.
Lokavidū (Knower of Worlds)
He has known the world in all ways, as to its individual essence, its arising, its cessation and the means to its cessation.
Anuttaropurisa-dammasārathi (Incomparable Leader of Man to be Tamed)
He is incomparable in taming and disciplining those that are fit to be tamed.
Satthādevamanussānamh (Teacher of the Gods and Men)
He is the true teacher of gods and men because he guides them to achieve bliss.
Buddho (Enlightened)
Everything that can be known has been discovered by him. He discovers the four truths by himself and awakened others to them.
Bhagavā (Blessed)
He is perfectly possessed infinite morality, performance, wisdom and attainments.
To the living omniscient Buddha, who is possessed of the nine special qualities beginning with “Accomplish”, the ten special qualities, the infinite special qualities and the accumulation of benevolence, your reverence, do I humbly and respectfully pay homage by bowing down in veneration with my hands raised above my head.
Svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo, sandiththhiko, akāliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko, paccattamh veditabbo viññūhī.
Well-expounded is the Dhamma (Doctrine) by the Lord; to be self-realised; with immediate fruit; inviting investigation; leading on to nibbāna; to be comprehended by the wise, each for himself.
Dhammo ( the Dhamma ) Svākkhāto (which is expounded ) bhagavatā (by the Buddha ): is
Svākkhāto (Well proclaimed)
It is well proclaimed in a true way to tranquilize defilement.
Sanditthiko (Visible Here and Now)
If practiced it can be experienced personally.
Akāliko (Not Delayed)
It has no delay in the matter of giving its own fruit.
Ehipassiko (Inviting of Inspection)
It is worthy of an invitation to inspect and practice.
Opaneyyiko (Onward-leading)
It is worth practicing to be established in one.
Paccattamveditabbo viññūhi (Is directly experienced by the wise).
It can be experienced in their own mind by the eight noble ones who are wise because they have realized.
To this Dhamma of ten things, namely the four paths, four fruitions, nibbāna and scriptures, possessed with the six special qualities beginning with “well proclaimed” your reverence, do I humbly and respectfully venerate by bowing with my hands raised above my head.
Supathipanno bhagavato sāvakasanHgho, ujupathipanno bhagavato sāvakasanHgho, ñāyapathipanno bhagavato sāvakasanHgho, sāmīcipthipanno bhagavato sāvakasanHgho, yadidamh cattāri purisayugāni, atYtYha purisapuggalā, esa bhagavato sāvakasanHgho, āhuneyyo, pāhuneyyo, dakkhinheyyo añjalikaranhīyo, anuttaramhpuññakkhettamh lokassā.
Of good conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One; of upright conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One; of wise conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One; of dutiful conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One – namely, these Four Pairs of Persons, the Eight Kinds of Individuals – is worthy of offerings, is worthy of hospitality, is worthy of gifts, is worthy of reverential salutation, is an incomparable field of merit to the world.
The community of the Blessed One’s disciples (bhagavato sāvakasangho).
- has entered on the good way (SuppatYipanno) that is, satisfactorily practiced the three trainings of morality, concentration and wisdom which are the causes for the overcoming of greed, hatred and delusion.
- has entered on the straight ways (UjuppatYipanno) that is, entered on the way of the overcoming of the faults of bodily, verbal and mental crookedness.
- has entered on the true way (ÑāyappatYipanno) that is, entered on the way with nibbāna as the aim.
- has entered on the proper way (SāmicippatYipanno) that is, entered on the way with nibbāna as the aim.
- is fit for gifts (Āhuneyyo) that is, fit to be given and to receive those that are brought even from far away.
- is fit for hospitality (Pāhuneyyo) that is, fit to be given and receive those objects of hospitality prepared with all honors for the sake of dear and beloved relatives and friends.
- fit for the offerings (DakkhinYeyyo) given out of faith in world to come.
- fit for reverential salutation (AñjalikaranYīyo) with both hands (palms together) above the head, having faith in good results.
- Is an incomparable field of merit for the world (AnuttaramY puññakkhetamY lokassā ).
- To the community of Noble Ones, that is the eight noble individual, consisting of the four individuals who stand on the four paths and the four individuals who stand on the four fruitions, possessed of the nine special qualities beginning with ” having entered on the good way”, your reverence, do I humbly and respectfully accord reverential salutation consisting of placing both hands (palms together) above the head.