Update : 06.07.14
Our New Dhamma Hall is finally open. Please click here for Photos.
There are still some work to be done on the exterior and with the gardens but this should all be completed in the next few weeks.
Improvements for our centre continues. On our new land, construction of the new Dhamma Hall has started. Please check here for updates.
Many thanks to everyone that donated toward our new land. We propose to build a two-story building, which will comprise a spacious Dhamma hall, and a first floor with accommodation for monks.
The estimated cost of the new building will be £300,000 to £400,000. Generous donations, however small or large, are welcome, and much appreciated.
Your kindness and generosity will bring great happiness to us, and at the same time help prolonged Buddha’s Sasana.
May you be well and happy always and support the Sasana.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Cheques payable to “Mahasi Dhamma Fellowship” and send to 420 Lower Broughton Road, Salford, Greater Manchester, Lancashire M7 2GD, UK.