Website Comments

Please be aware that all comments will need approval before they appear. To all those leaving spam comments… they go straight to the spam bin. I know its annoying but …

New year changes

January is a time to put up new year resolutions. January was derived from Janus as the god of all beginnings, god of passages Janus is a two faced deity, …

Christmas 2018

Christmas is still celebrated with family, with friends. Christmas still means peace on earth and goodwill to all, to many in the Western world. But this year, Christmas finds the …

Sayadaw U Tarraka

Sayadaw U Tarraka arrived on 29th Jan. Shall we welcome him during the su paung swun on the 4th February. Note.Wednesdays are open now for sitting meditation.

Meditation Retreat (July 2017)

Saraniya Dhamma family is conducting the intensive meditation retreat at Manchester. Sayadaw U Nannu and U Kovida will be helping the yogis to practice Satipathana vipassana meditation. To help the …

Post Retreat Communication

This is example of a post retreat communication. This reminds us of the essence of retreats or the essential world that we revolve around…at Saraniya. That is, our teachers and …

Sayadaws Return

U Ashin Kovida and U Nannujjota will be back in April 10th and 12th respectively. Great news for the Saraniya family. Please come to MDF and welcome them. Retreat starts on 14th. …

Sayadaw Return

Dear all Just a reminder that Sayadaw is back. We went to Manchester Kyaung yesterday for a swuntkut. Please try to take advantage of the fact that Sayadaw is alone currently, …

Sayadaw Retreat in Nepal

We have sent Sayadaw to the airport yesterday. Sayadaw is going to Nepal for intensive retreat and he will be back for our December retreat.Until further notice, wednesday sessions are …

Sayadaw U Nanujjotta Return

Dear All Sayadaw U Nanujjotta will be arriving from Nepal to Manchester next week. We hope to re-establish the usual routines/events of the Saraniya Centre as published on  Wednesday open …